Wills and Estate Planning Calgary

Calgary Tax Accountant

A legally valid will is central to ensuring that your wishes are followed in a timely, cost-effective and tax-efficient manner. It's important to review your will every few years because changes in the law or in your life can impact your will.

A will ensures your property will be transferred according to your plan. In the absence of a will, your assets will be distributed by the Province according to its own formula. That formula likely will not reflect your intentions, and it could involve lengthy delays and significant additional costs. As part of our estate planning services, we can help you:

  • Take stock of what you own
  • Design the allocation of your assets
  • Make sure your will is consistent with your comprehensive estate plan
  • Evaluate whether your spouse and children will receive sufficient income
  • Ensure that your will includes tax-saving strategies which your executor can implement
  • Reduce probate costs
  • Value your assets
  • Have your final tax return(s) filed


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